"You'll Never Forget The Experience We Have In Store For You"

Our local captains are all Canadian Coast Guard certified and trained in CPR and marine first aid. Fishing is only one part of the adventure we offer at St. Andrews Sport Fishing Co., the marine life is amazing on the Bay of Fundy and changes with every tide, often we encounter whales, seals, porpoise, bald eagles, tuna, basking sharks, and an array of other wildlife while on our fishing excursions, the best of both world’s nature and fishing.
“Come With Us And Experience The Difference!”
The Sport Fishing Boat
The SEA FOX is an all fiberglass, modern and comfortable 29-foot center console equipped with top quality electronics and fishing equipment to ensure consistent fishing success. Our boat is extremely fast and is ideal for all types of trips from bottom/ground fishing to shark fishing and whale watching. We are certified to carry 12 people and can surpass speeds of 35 knots in good weather. Equipped with radar, fish finder, plotter, GPS, VHF Radio and CD stereo system… the latest electronics to ensure your safety and success in salt water fishing. We use quality fishing tackle: matched PENN Rods and Reels, MUSTAD hooks, and top quality line and lures. NO FLOATER SUITS REQUIRED! We are Canadian Coast Guard Certified and have a head on board for emergencies!